Brianna Neeson
We want you all to meet Brianna. She is an amazing compassionate young women who for the past five years, while completing High School, has found all kinds of ways to raise money for Barefoot Initiative. These are the stories that connect us all, warm our hearts and illustrate how acts of kindness are simple yet so significant.
Brianna Nesson, a massive thank you from all of us at Barefoot Initiative.
"I have solely worked by myself with the occasional donations from my local community and often attempts involving my school as much as possible in fundraisers. Since 2010, i have raised over $1, 500 and I certainly aim to increase that next year. As Community Service Captain and Prefect of my school, each whole school Eucharist I was responsible for deciding where the money collection would be donated. Through the school community, the largest amount raised was $200.
A year ago, a local restaurant in Stirling donated all of their soft drink cans and beer bottles each night and therefore as the fundraising amount increased, i soon established my own business called Help Hope Happiness. Newsletters were distributed to friends, family and people who had been donating their deposit cans and bottles to the business. For 2016 I aim to support and organise more sucessful fundraisers for the Barefoot Initiative. I strongly believe in and I am passionate about women around the world living a healthy, happy and safe life. For my Year 12 Research Project I studied women's pregnancy and child birth in rural Ethiopia and the comparisons with Australian women. I can confidently say that I certainly learnt alot about the living conditions in rural Ethiopia, the Afar in particular, and now i am even more inspired and motivated to assist Barefoot Initiative in making a difference. "